mailer is an easy-to-use library for composing and sending emails in Dart.
Mailer supports file attachments and HTML emails.
import 'package:mailer/mailer.dart';
import 'package:mailer/smtp_server.dart';
main() async {
String username = '';
String password = 'password';
final smtpServer = gmail(username, password);
// Use the SmtpServer class to configure an SMTP server:
// final smtpServer = SmtpServer('');
// See the named arguments of SmtpServer for further configuration
// options.
// Create our message.
final message = Message()
..from = Address(username, 'Your name')
..ccRecipients.addAll(['', ''])
..subject = 'Test Dart Mailer library :: 😀 :: ${}'
..text = 'This is the plain text.\nThis is line 2 of the text part.'
..html = "<h1>Test</h1>\n<p>Hey! Here's some HTML content</p>";
try {
final sendReport = await send(message, smtpServer);
print('Message sent: ' + sendReport.toString());
} on MailerException catch (e) {
print('Message not sent.');
for (var p in e.problems) {
print('Problem: ${p.code}: ${p.msg}');
// Let's send another message using a slightly different syntax:
// Addresses without a name part can be set directly.
// For instance `..recipients.add('')`
// If you want to display a name part you have to create an
// Address object: `new Address('', 'Display name part')`
// Creating and adding an Address object without a name part
// `new Address('')` is equivalent to
// adding the mail address as `String`.
final equivalentMessage = Message()
..from = Address(username, 'Your name 😀')
..ccRecipients.addAll([Address(''), ''])
..subject = 'Test Dart Mailer library :: 😀 :: ${}'
..text = 'This is the plain text.\nThis is line 2 of the text part.'
..html = '<h1>Test</h1>\n<p>Hey! Here is some HTML content</p><img src="cid:myimg@3.141"/>'
..attachments = [
..location = Location.inline
..cid = '<myimg@3.141>'
final sendReport2 = await send(equivalentMessage, smtpServer);
// Sending multiple messages with the same connection
// Create a smtp client that will persist the connection
var connection = PersistentConnection(smtpServer);
// Send the first message
await connection.send(message);
// send the equivalent message
await connection.send(equivalentMessage);
// close the connection
await connection.close();